The team of friends, ministry partners, and financial supporters who started North Harbor did so united by a firm conviction that the local church, being the body of Christ, is the hope of the world.  If the church’s mission is to introduce people to Jesus and to teach them how to live the life he lived, then the stakes are high.  North Harbor’s leadership sees everything we do in light of this conviction and wants to invite you to partner with us in being this hope for the state, the country, and even the world.

At North Harbor, we define membership as an active partnership with Christ, the church, and the community.  Therefore, the term “partnership” reflects the traditional status of “membership” as referred to in North Harbor’s bylaws.  North Harbor Community Church recognizes the value of formally becoming a “ministry partner” and the important role it can play in each of three areas: challenging people to take further steps in their own spiritual journeys with God, protecting the integrity and vitality of the local church family, and catalyzing positive change in the communities around us.

Partnership is conferred after the attendance at a Discovering North Harbor seminar, renewed (or retired) at annual partnership covenant ceremonies, and lasts for a period of 12 months.  A copy of the covenant must be signed by the partner and returned to the church office at each instance of commitment.