Our mission at North Harbor is to lead people toward a growing relationship with Jesus.
Our strategy to accomplish this is to connect with people, walk alongside, and teach them how to draw close to Jesus through the practices of Jesus. These practices include worship, prayer, serving, Scripture study, generosity, community, and more. We provide opportunities to learn, experience, and practice these within the context of authentic, life-giving community.
We believe that when people draw close to Jesus through these various practices that Jesus will reveal himself through the power of the Holy Spirit, in various ways, to his followers. As people gain a greater awareness of Jesus’ love for them and presence in their lives, they also gain a greater desire to love and follow him; to do the will of the Father as Jesus did. The result is a life that increasingly reflects God’s glory, love, peace, and healing to a broken world.
The Lord is near.
I will bless the Lord who guides me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I know the Lord is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. ————————————————-Psalm 16:7-8